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Podcast or outcast?

Podcasts have grown into a popular way to be entertained or educated. By definition, podcasts are digital audio files made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
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Lent in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM — Any day of the week here, the 4:30 a.m. Muslim call to prayer may wake you up. As a Christian in this holy land, it calls me, too. And, sure enough: If you head out the door to the Old City, you will be joining Muslims, Jews and Christians going to their houses of worship.
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This small-town journalist will keep swimming

Starting a job you may or may not be qualified for is daunting, scary and intimidating. It feels like being thrown into the deep water as a kid – not sure if you will sink or swim. In my case, I did not know anything about journalism. My degree isn’t even in communications, let alone writing. My degree in business administration and entrepreneurship which is handy with my small business.
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Tat(too) much?

Getting a tattoo can be a creative way to express yourself and can help to remind us of meaningful moments in our lives. To the older generation, tattoos are considered to be taboo because they were often associated with gangs and prisoners in recent history.