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Trump meets press, Parson does not

There are problems with the press conferences President Trump has held to provide updates on the coronavirus – including attacking the press and calling on One America News network reporters – who toss him softball questions in a hardball environment – but he rightly deserves credit for also taking real questions from real reporters. Sometimes, he also allows follow-up questions.
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No good reason for delaying elections

The April 7 municipal elections that will not happen should have been allowed to happen. “Public health” is the reason given for delaying elections. The excuse sounds praiseworthy, due to concern about the contagion that threatens to kill – based on information coming out of Washington – at least 100,000 Americans. Allowing people to congregate at a polling place, to ignore the rules of social distancing, to put voters and poll workers at risk, is unthinkable. Everyone can agree on that point; however, that is not the point here, which is that the elections should have been allowed to happen and could have been allowed to happen without endangering anyone.

Preparations necessary to address financial dips


The health and well-being of everyone in our communities is everyone’s top priority. We understand the concern and uncertainty that people may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus, COVID-19. As educators we are committed to being responsive to everyone’s information needs as the situation evolves and is reflected in the economic viability of our community’ households and businesses.

Writer questions labor reform tool

When Missouri legislators passed government labor reforms into law two years ago, they did so to protect the rights of both workers and taxpayers. But does the state currently have the resources necessary to oversee labor agreements made between unions and the government, especially agreements made at the local level? Evidence uncovered by the Show-Me Institute suggests not.