Sheriff’s vehicles sale tops $30,000

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Sheriff’s vehicles sale tops $30,000

Fri, 09/17/2021 - 02:42
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RICHMOND – Sales of surplus Sheriff’s Office vehicles added money to the Ray County operating fund. Sheriff Scott Childers sold four vehicles: a bus, a former military vehicle, a Dodge Charger and an SUV. Childers said he bought the bus earlier this year because he wanted a rack from the inside, which he removed for use in a smaller inmate transport bus. “I needed the metal rack with the door so nobody could get to the (small bus) driver. I took it out of that (big) bus and retrofitted it,” he said. Childers had been quoted a price of $8,000 to buy and install a new rack, but the retrofit work did the job inhouse for almost nothing, he said. “It cost us about $30 to install. Me and my maintenance man did that,” Childers said. The big bus sold for $7,100 and, having first given up a rack that would have cost $8,000, the county came out about $15,000 ahead, he said. “That bus has paid us off pretty good,” Childers said. The big question is, how much did the big bus cost the county…

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