Editor did not discuss cultural differences

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Editor did not discuss cultural differences

Fri, 11/05/2021 - 02:15
Posted in:
I find it interesting that you chose this story for front-page news. I suspect because you assumed that this taunting was an example of white supremacy by school kids. When you wrote about the things the teacher (and the Richmond School District) at the school did poorly, you missed what should have been of paramount importance: educating about foods enjoyed by people living in other countries. China, South Korea and many other countries in the world eat dog, but we do not in the United states. We eat pigs and deer and cows while this is not accepted by many cultures throughout the world. This “teachable moment” was missed because it would not fit into the agenda of anti-Asian practice by a minority of black and white Americans. A shame. I do believe that if a Richmond school child taunted a kid from a small town in any European county – “Don’t eat my rabbit” or turtle or snake or snail – it would not be front-page news. Kat Brintzinghoffer, Excelsior Springs

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